Love Pro Tools but I fear that Avids lack of seriousness about tackling issues is forcing me out, at least in the Digidesign days (yes I know they were owned by Avid then but I do think they had more autonomy under that umbrella) there were features and fixes galore, I don't mind paying good money for a good product but to do so for diminishing returns that Avid has become. I've about had had it with the money pit that is Avid and after trying out the competition, its bliss to able to run a low latency session with VI's and FX in Cubase and Studio One, something that dual in/out buffers and the shangri la of 64 was meant to cure in 11.
#Pro tools 12.7 aae 9173 software
Amazed that software that has been out for 1.5 years still has so many issues.I cannot agree more, I've been having this error on new projects when tracking and cpu usage averaging around 10%. 14.8 Other labor income Proprietors income Business and professional Farm. They did not fix the bounce bug in 11.2.2, so I'm not installing it. Procurement of major military equipment will account for an important share. Happens like 1 out of 5 bounces (completely unrelated to any particular session).

The new bug after 11.2.1 is crash/errors when using real-time bounce (also an issue for many according to the response at DUC forums). I still catch 9173's once in a while when I don't think I should be. Not sure which helped, but the problem subsided almost entirely. (PTSW-193752, PTSW- 192676) Fixed an issue that could corrupt audio files extracted from CD.

(PTSW-194034) Pro Tools no longer incorrectly truncates or removes volume names in file paths when saving a session. At that same time Avid released the 11.2.1 update. I still catch 9173's once in a while when I don't think I should be. Pro Tools no longer displays linked files on mounted volumes as offline when opening sessions saved with the volume un- mounted. I ended up buying a 2010 mac pro 5,1 because I had work that couldn't wait. I had this very issue on my 2008 mac pro 3,1 running PT 11(native/vanilla) 11.1.3.